Thursday, December 21, 2000


The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) website includes a wealth of LID/stormwater management resources, including the City's authoritative Stormwater Design Guidelines. The SFPUC also has some concise, descriptive flyers for rainwater harvesting.

Download documents here:
Stormwater Design Guidelines
Rainwater Harvesting
Various Other SFPUC References, Materials, etc.

The Rose City's Bureau of Environmental Services (BES), as everyone knows, has really pioneered much of the Low Impact Design/Green Infrastructure movement. The BES really took the novel-to-every-other-city-in-the-country idea of LID and green streets and made it the norm, the expected. The projects in Portland are beautiful and artistic. The BES really has a wealth of nicely illustrated fact sheets, guides, and other informational materials.

Find a few of these items here:
Stormwater Cycling Tour Map
Stormwater Management Manual
Stormwater BMP Fact Sheets
Homeowner How-To's

Prince George's County, MD:
Like the Rose Bowl is the "Grand Daddy of them all," I consider these LID manuals from Prince George's County to be the snowballs that launched the LID avalanche. Check these guys out here:
Low-Impact Development Design Strategies & Hydrologic Analysis

To be continued...

Sunday, December 17, 2000


It's awesome. Check out this quote from my rejection letter from the Thurston Regional Planning Council: "We feel that our current opening does not offer a close match to your background."
That's really great. So you mean to tell me that I spent two years of my life in graduate school only to hear that I don't have the experience to merit consideration for an Associate Planner position, yet the only way to attain the relevant experience is to first work as an Associate Planner? Wow, life sure is good.
Planning Graduate School: Priceless (and equally Worthless).